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The Mirusbund
Request for Information

Dear Visitor,

The "Mirusbund" is an International club tracing 

the descendants of the Mirus family all over the world.

The first documented generation is from the late 15th century and in Germany.

The Club is tracing the Mirus descendants all over the world.

Their archive contains some 10,000 Mirus descendants and the majority of registered individuals is from Europe, Canada and some from the USA.

The Mirusbund (group of Mirus genealogists) maintains extensive genealogical tables and believes that your family roots also lie in Europe and Germany. They have asked me to initiate this contact and would like you to provide some genealogical information to them. In particular, the Mirusbund is interested in the following information:

1. Your complete name, (Christian name and all surnames), place of birth.

2. If married, the same information for your spouse (if a woman, include your maiden name).

3. If applicable, your childrens' names and birth dates.

4. Your parents' data: Complete name, all given names, date and place of birth.

5. Your grandparents' data: Complete name, all given names, date and place of birth.

6. And, if this information exists, your great-grandparents' data:

Complete name, all given names, date and place of birth, death and/or if still living.Your

grandparents or your great-grandparents were probably immigrants to the USA.

When and on which ship did your ancestors sail from Europe to the USA

Do you know ? 1790 - 1820 or 1850 - 1880


Images: eagle.jpg


The Mirusbund will use the information you provide to complete the genealogical table and will inform you about the progress. When completed, you will receive - free of charge - a copy of your own genealogical table.

Images: opa.jpg

The Mirusbund will be preside from

Hellmut Mirus - Hans- Sach- Weg 7

D 95100 Selb - Germany

Tel: (0049) (0) 9287 - 3077083

and can be mailed unter


Copyright by Hellmut Mirus Stand: 05. Juli 2010